I remember during high school days being required to read George Orwell's creepy novel, "The World of 1984". As I read the fiction about the intrusiveness of big brother government I thought a couple of naive thoughts.
First. I thought such a thing could never happen here. Second, I mused that 1984 was so far into the future it might never get here. It would appear I was mistaken on both counts. Not much I can personally do about the first issue except vote. I certainly do that at every opportunity.
But that 1984 thing has me buffaloed. HOW can it have become 2014? And is it really possible we are turning the page into 2015? The year I thought might not arrive is now ancient history. And if things rock on as they tend to do, 2015 will soon fade into life's rear view mirror.
So...what to do with another half million plus minutes being handed to us on 1/1/15?? How about these suggestions?
1. Determine that I will not let my yesterdays affect my new year. Repentance works!
2. Accept that God loves me and will help me make the most of 2015.
3. Receive the new year as a gift from God.
4. View the new year as a blank sheet of paper on which I can write success rather than failure.
5. Lay concrete plans for change. This is based on the sage wit that as long as I keep doing the same things I have been doing, I will keep getting the same results. Change is vital.
6. Make daily devotions my habit. There is NO substitute for cultivating a relationship with God.
7. Determine that I will be a regular in my Bible believing, Christ centered church.
Happy New Year!!
Pastor Rich Orrell