Three days until November sweeps in on the winds of Autumn. Merchants are already eyeing the hoped-for successes (excesses) of Black Friday while parents cope with sugar-buzzed children from October’s glut of individually wrapped and x-rayed candies.
Malls across America uniformedly gear up for the arrival of Santa and his elves while choirs brush up on carols of the Season. Parties are planned. Family gatherings are circled on many a calendar. Flights are booked. Motel arrangements are made and car rentals secured.
But what about Thanksgiving?? Have we somehow misplaced this MOST important national holiday that has at its heart the foundations of our great land?
Before the calendar turns to November let us commit that we will make time for God, for family and for Church as we celebrate the religious freedoms we have in America.
Thank God for the land of the free and the home of the brave!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Richard Orrell, Pastor