When on a long journey with a friend, inevitably the personality of that friend becomes evident from his behavior and responses. Soon, one could easily order for the other at any restaurant. Preferences in many of life’s choices become well-known to each other.
So it is in our journey with God. It doesn’t take long to discover that He delights in caring for His own. The supernatural is His go-to method when we are facing challenges. Witness the feeding of the 5,000 or the 4,000 for that matter. And the calming of the raging sea is one of my personal favorites.
Make your own list of the miraculous interventions of God in the lives of ordinary people as Jesus strolled among them. It seems a given that whatever crisis you face, someone in those days stood toe-to-toe with something just as daunting. Truth is; Jesus is just as present in your life as He was in theirs back then.
Go ahead and believe for your miracle. You’re in excellent company.
Your friends over here at Battlefield Assembly of God are expecting it will happen for you too!
Pastor Rich Orrell