She was so young. And no doubt there had been pressures for her to lower her personal standards. There are always pressures, no matter the era or culture. But Mary held true to her faith and to God. How amazing it must have been to her when the angel calmly asserted; against impossible odds her elderly cousin was already pregnant. And that she too would conceive, who without fear of contradiction could boldly declare to her heavenly visitor that she was a virgin. The racing thoughts behind her one timorous question would doubtless fill a book: “How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”
Perhaps you too have impossibilities looming large over your life. The cancer diagnosis is firm. Simple math reveals a large cash shortfall this month. The relationship is irretrievably broken. The list of potential impossibilities is varied and daunting.
Wouldn’t this be a good time to hear the message of the angel so fresh from the heart of God that night in Mary’s small room? “For with God, nothing shall be impossible.”
The other part of the equation that brought forth a Savior for a sin-darkened world was the profound response from the lips of a simple daughter of Abraham, “Be it unto me according to thy word.”
In our desperation, may we each hear God saying one more time that nothing shall be impossible with Him. And may our response be as prompt as her immediate acceptance of His will.
Go ahead and believe for your miracle. God cares
Have a blessed Christmas!
Pastor Rich Orrell