From time to time most of us are called upon to write a letter of reference. It may be a potential new employer needing to know about a prospective employee. Or it could be a University asking for help getting acquainted with an enrolling student.
It doesn’t matter about whom the letter is written, there is always something better left unsaid: A bill paid late, harsh words that should never have been spoken, a period of unreliability as they worked through some family crisis.
If the writer of the letter chose to do so, much hurt could result. But in kindness, barring glaring disorders, most former supervisors, neighbors, pastors or friends will emphasize the good they know and just not say much about any known negatives.
Such hedging is totally unnecessary when we are called upon for a reference about Jesus Christ. He is the only One who can stand up under the closest scrutiny. No skeletons lurking in His closet. No sordid past to keep under the rug.
Those who know Him best are the quickest to recommend Him with neither hesitation nor reservation. Never once has He been needed but was too busy to come. It has never been too late for Him to be on call. And the storm that can sink the vessel in which He lies simply does not exist.
Ask anyone who has truly trusted Him with their life and their eternal life. They’ll write you a letter without fear of contradiction attesting to His complete reliability and trustworthiness.
From the six year old who just invited Christ into her life to the grizzled veteran of a fifty year friendship with Jesus, each will recommend Him to you as the dearest and kindest, most faithful friend.
He waits at your heart’s door today. Will you let Him come in?
So glad to serve Jesus!
Rich Orrell, Pastor