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Wednesday, June 25 2014
Where are you going?

An old saw once seen on a bumper sticker reads: "When you get where you're going, that's where you'll be!" At first glance the truth contained in these few words seems so obvious as to be moronic in its repetition. However; casual observation of human antics suggests the bumper sticker wisdom is not as common as one might think. When habit is the sole director of traffic in the unfolding of one's day, it doesn't take much foresight to conclude that the terminus of today will be much like yesterday's failures.

A change of direction is the one and only way to change destinations. It is patently impossible to arrive on our west coast traveling east on the interstate. Only an exit, followed by a choice to head west will change your destination. If you persist in driving east, it is only a matter of time until exits labeled "Boston" or "New York City" loom large through the windshield. Only the deluded would anticipate the Pacific while closing in on the Atlantic.

There are many who fully intend to spend Eternity in Heaven.  But though they know they violate God's Word with belief and behavior, they stubbornly rush headlong...the wrong direction.

If the bumper sticker is correct, where are you going? Remember, it is imperative that we change our fundamental direction so that when we get somewhere, it will be the right somewhere. "Believe on The Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved."

There now...THAT'S the right direction!


Rich Orrell, Pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:00 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, June 08 2014
Never failed us yet!

2 Corinthians 4:1 New Living Translation says: "Therefore, since God in his mercy has given us this new way, we never give up. We reject all shameful deeds and under -handed methods. We don’t try to trick anyone or distort the Word of God. We tell the truth before God, and all who are honest know this."    We're known by our fruits!

Saints, we have God's promise that He is ordering our every step, as the chorus says,

"I'm NOT gonna give up hope, because God is my provider."  (Authored by Rick Orrell)

Are you struggling with doubt and fear?   God is not the author of fear.  He gives us hope and the assurance that He will never leave us alone.

He's got our back, what can mere men do to us?    NOTHING

As Saints-of-The-Most-High, we need to hold our heads high and be confident that "Greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world!   Be encouraged and trust Him!

He's never failed us yet and He is not about to start failing now!  Be at peace, He is more than enough for you today.  

Love ya,  Pastor Phil      

Posted by: Pastor Phil Illum AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
Sunday, June 01 2014
We are not alone!

Turning the page into the month of June stirs ancient memories of an early morning wake-up call as Daddy rallied Sue and me for another special time with him on St John's River.  The delicious airborne essence of bacon frying accompanying coffee's magnetic aroma rousts my sibling and I from our respective lairs of sweaty sleep in those days preceding the magic of air conditioning.

After a hurry up breakfast and a quiet drive down deserted pre-dawn sandy back roads, it always seemed a bit disquieting to us youngsters to push the old rowboat out into the coffee-colored river surrounded by silent sentinels of ghostly bald cypress trees swathed with their boas of Spanish moss. Only the strong, quiet presence of our dad rendered the spookiness of the moment an adventure rather than something to endure.

We had heard the stories of his childhood on the river. We knew he understood the currents and weather we might encounter. He even knew the schedule of any major boat traffic coming our way and how to survive such events.

I believe I hear another Voice waking us to yet another adventure. Are there elements of potential danger lurking in our tomorrows? But of course. Could there be things we have never faced awaiting around some fog shrouded bend? Definitely.

Are we chewing our nails to their beds in nervous anticipation of the unknown? Definitely not. Because the strong, quiet Presence of our Heavenly Father is with us. He knows the way like the back of His hand. He is our guide and our constant companion by the power of His Spirit.

No sir. We are not fearful, because He is with us. We are not alone.

Sure do love serving God with you!

Rich Orrell, Pastor

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:00 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
    Battlefield Assembly of God
    5154 S. State HWY FF  | Battlefield, MO 65619 | PH: (417) 882-1116  |