"Hallelujah", I'm walking with the King!" So go the lyrics to an old praise chorus from days of tent meetings and revival services.
We sang it with great enthusiasm and volume. But is there any scriptural basis for such a statement? Definitely! Ephesians 4:1, along with several other references strongly suggest that our experience with God is rather like walking with Someone.
One might infer from these scriptures that the responsibility to keep in step is mutual. The thought of walking with God should cause us to be aware of the surroundings into which we walk. He has said, "I will never leave you." His commitment is ironclad.
The question which gives pause is, do we really want Him along in every circumstance of life? Perhaps greater care should be exercised when planning a day's activities.
If there is a place we plan to go where Jesus would be uncomfortable or not welcome, shouldn't that cause us who walk with the King to change our direction?? Just a bit of "food for thought".
Be blessed today and every day as you thoughtfully and prayerfully walk with The King!
Pastor Rich Orrell