Romans 10:13 makes this powerful statement: "for whosever shall call upon the name of The Lord shall be saved".
In younger, stronger days we might well have asked the question, saved from what? We were bullet-proof, bull strong and in some cases bull-headed. We needed no help with anything. But as time passed, we became painfully aware that we face things from time to time for which we have no solutions. Situations develop that overwhelm our strengths and take advantage of the weaknesses we refused to acknowledge in our youthful arrogance.
It is then we discover God has been waiting for our defenses to fold. He has patiently allowed reality to underscore our need for Someone on whom we can rely in times of stress. Our frantic call of distress finds the heart of God. Help comes immediately as we wisely ask forgiveness.
The life we lay willingly on the altar of repentance is cleaned up, handed back to us with the power of the Holy Spirit installed. Suddenly, life makes sense. Optimism and faith pervade our lives. And we get it...we needed to be saved; from sin, from satan, and from ourselves. It's true; whosoever shall call upon the name of The Lord shall be saved!
So call now...!
Lovingly, Pastor Rich Orrell