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Friday, May 15 2015
Batten down the hatches!

Ask any sailor who has served aboard one of our navy’s fine ships. He will quickly say that the most important survival technique is to keep what is outside the vessel from getting inside. Probably a bit of over simplification in his statement but you get the idea. As long as the beautiful cobalt blue of the ocean’s depths remain outside, the vessel will stay afloat, complete its mission and return home safely.

Hmmm…Reckon there might be something here we could apply to our daily life with Christ? Yep. Thought so.

So…One can successfully navigate the dangerous depths through which we sail simply by keeping the things of the world outside? Yes. Loudly and enthusiastically yes.

The heart filled daily with the wonder of His presence will have no room for questionable entertainment choices. The life brimming over with the Word of God will scarcely have appetite for some vile tidbit offered by the spiritually bankrupt media through which we sail. Friendship with Jesus and His lovely people leaves a flashing “No-Vacancy” sign at our heart’s door. He who has tasted and seen that the Lord is good can easily recognize the skull and crossbones emblazoned on the world’s chalice so enticingly offered.

Batten down the hatches. Secure everything that might have gotten loose in easier times. We may be headed for a storm as the End Times develop before our very eyes. But as long as we keep what’s outside from getting inside, we can weather ANY storm

Sail on!

Pastor Richard Orrell

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 11:17 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
    Battlefield Assembly of God
    5154 S. State HWY FF  | Battlefield, MO 65619 | PH: (417) 882-1116  |