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Saturday, November 21 2015
Thanksgiving Provision

In my early years of serving as Pastor there was a time when Thanksgiving loomed close but the cupboards were bare.  The economy had taken a turn for the worse.  My wife and I prayed that God would send us a turkey for Thanksgiving.

Being new in the community, neither of us realized that several of our church families had more than one member working at a local factory that gave turkeys to its employees for the holidays.  Be careful how you pray, you may get it.

As Thanksgiving approached we wound up with so many turkeys from our generous congregation that we had to rent a freezer locker to store them!  We enjoyed roast turkey, turkey sandwiches, left-over turkey, warmed-up turkey, cold turkey...  we had all the turkey we needed or wanted and THEN some!

Philippians 4:19 became a way of life for us in those early days. We learned first hand that He really does care about those empty cupboards.  He really does hear those desperate cries as breadwinners pray for little hungry mouths needing to be filled.

These days our prayers might be a bit more specific.  We might think to include the side dishes to go along with the turkey.

Trusting God with you for a bountiful Thanksgiving!

Pastor Rich Orrell

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 06:38 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
    Battlefield Assembly of God
    5154 S. State HWY FF  | Battlefield, MO 65619 | PH: (417) 882-1116  |