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Saturday, January 16 2016
Sharing your faith

What an encouragement to read the account in the Bible of the feeding of a huge crowd with a little boy's sack lunch. And how about the one where Peter steps out of the boat and takes a few steps on the water?

Oh, I know he got his eyes off Jesus and began to sink. But at least he did the impossible for a moment or two. The miraculous healings in the gospels, the emotional and spiritual deliverances; each of these encourage the believer to expect the best in his or her set of circumstances.

But isn't it also very uplifting to hear or read yet another intervention by the Lord in the life of someone who lives as one of our contemporaries? So often, the challenge met and defeated bears uncommon resemblance to the one looming on our own horizon.

A sin forgiven, a habit broken, a bill paid, a medical crisis survived: Some are too private to share but the G-rated ones certainly bear repeating as often as there is a listening ear. Others need to know God is still in the miracle working mode.

Your success story may be just the catalyst to ignite a friend's failing faith. Go ahead and share it. It is nearly certain that someone you love is waiting to hear that there is still hope.

Can't wait to share Heaven with you!

Pastor Richard Orrell

Posted by: Pastor Rich Orrell AT 08:11 am   |  Permalink   |  Email
    Battlefield Assembly of God
    5154 S. State HWY FF  | Battlefield, MO 65619 | PH: (417) 882-1116  |