Isn't it amazing that God who could cast us off like yesterday's leftovers allows for the near constant reboot of repentance? He could simply start over with a new Garden and a new couple.
But He would rather that WE begin again at some altar somewhere. He constantly brings us back around to face battles we have a history of losing. Ever the Optimist, God comes alongside us at the very interchange where we made the wrong turn. If we just pay attention we can feel His gentle nudge into the narrow way that leads to life everlasting.
Watch out for the broad and well lit super highway. Just because it is such a popular avenue doesn't mean we will like the destination. The straight and narrow might not be the route of choice for many these days.
But song writer Robert Lowery was onto something wonderful when he asked, "What can wash away my sins?" And then gave the eternal and accurate answer, "NOTHING but the blood of Jesus!"
As the New Year dawns upon us there is no better place for us to meet than at the foot of the Cross.
Join me at the altar!
Richard Orrell, Lead Pastor