As though it had happened yesterday, I remember the thrill of hearing my name called in the foyer of the church building. We had only been in the church for a few months. How could the pastor of such a large congregation know a little boy well enough to call him by name and express genuine interest in things a kid would like?
You see, our minister was a “people person” who specialized in making each of us feel we were his favorite. He made it his business to know what made our eyes light up. He could shoot marbles with the best and play softball with the rag tag crowd after “dinner-on-the-grounds”. And he it was who prayed for me and washed my face with cold water when I got hit in the eye by a fast-pitch softball.
Hugh Hawkins may never have been pastor of a megachurch but he walked on the water as far as that bunch of rowdy kids was concerned.
His care for us and his interest in us reminds me of the interest God must have in His kids. Jesus mentioned that God knows the number of hairs we have. How beautiful that our Father would be so focused on us and that He would send people like Pastor Hawkins into our lives to role-model His love.
I sincerely hope you have had someone like that to telegraph God’s love for you. If not, look around. There are any number of genuine Christians waiting to interact with you wanting nothing in return.
If you have had a bad experience somewhere along the way, let Jesus and His gentle people help with the hurts of the past. Remember; there are no perfect people…just forgiven!
Lovingly, Rich Orrell, Lead Pastor